
Exterior Painting Weymouth, Dorset

Rest assured that our team has the experience and helpfulness you are looking for.
We are happy to assist you with any of your exterior painting needs.

Exterior Painting

Our Exterior painting service covers all of Weymouth & Dorset and we cater for all your exterior painting needs.

We understand that the UK weather is unpredictable and rain showers can happen with very little warning, we only use the best masonry paint that is showerproof in 30 minutes and can be used at temperatures-5 degrees.

WeyDec paint roughcast and render walls, facial and soffits, windows, gutters and downpipes. We offer a wide range of exterior services, carried out by our fully experienced exterior painters and offer affordable competitive rates, we undertake exterior painting jobs on private and commercial premises.
To get a quote or find out more about our exterior painting services, call or email us today!!!
Painter and decorators in Weymouth, Dorchester, Bridport, Portland, Dorset. Interior painters, exterior painters, decorator, professional wallpaper hanging.

Client Feedback & Reviews

Always here to help

Here at Weydec we put a lot of faith in you, the customer, to call and let us know how we can help you.

We firmly believe that the best paint job is the one that starts with a conversation among friends.